A rare photo of Göktuğ YEŞİLYURT where he looks happy, too bad you cannot see it.

About Me

Hello. I'm Göktuğ from Ankara, Turkey. Currently, I'm working on a website as full-stack freelance developer while studying at Bilkent University at the same time.

I've been coding since when I was around 12 years old, started with Arduino and then continued with web development and finally at my current job, working as a full-stack developer. I know JavaScript, TypeScript, React and few other things related to development with JavaScript(such as NodeJS etc.). As I have mentioned before, I also worked on robotics a while ago and I used C++ while building my robots with Arduino. I'm actually very interested in Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence topics and I generally try to advance myself in such areas whenever I get a chance. I'm looking forward to step up my game on robotics with connecting AI with my Robots probably using Raspberry Pi. I also have some interests on cloud related things (as you can see from my Google Cloud Study Jam t-shirt and mug on my picture, hehe) so I try to do some fun projects with them in order to have more experience with them.

I actually love taking photos at night, don't have a DSLR camera yet but thinking about buying one when I get a chance, and of course, I love playing games as well :)

Oh, also one thing to note, I LOVE INTERSTELLAR.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn by clicking here.